Early Childhood Development Practitioner Training

CCEHSA conducted ECDCs Practitioner training webinar in partnership with CEHN, USA. Washington DC to create an awareness on the impact of pesticides, lead exposure and indoor air quality on children’s health

The purpose of the webinar is to promote children’s environmental health at Early Childhood Development Centre’s (ECDCs). With the objectives:

  • To raise awareness and increase knowledge on children’s environmental health.
  • Motivate participants to work towards a common agenda.
  •  Build strong partnership and collaboration on CEH to a bigger impact with ECDs and external stakeholders

To achieve the following outcomes:

• Empower the ECDCs practitioners to work with CCEHSA in advocating for children’s environmental Health.

• Promote the involvement of parents on Children’s Environmental health matters through ECDCs.

• Continuous partnership with ECDCs for the purpose of improving children’s environmental health.

 • Promote CCEHSA webinar work/activities to attract stakeholders for future collaboration and donors


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